Meeting Minutes
We want to keep you informed of club planning and activities, so you'll find Board Minutes and other updates here!
  EPNR Board Meeting Minutes
  January 30, 2025
Present: Bill Hooke, Martin Rathjen, Rick Johnson, Amanda Ottman, Mike Thomas, Bob Danielson, John Urbanski, Marc Beyer, Anna Riebel, Tom Thorfinson, Joseph Wallace
Meeting called to order by Bill Hooke, 7:31am
Approved Minutes from the last meeting
Old Business
  • Club shirts – Bob D still exploring options and will get a few options for the board to see.
  • Jeremiah House service project – John S to follow-up.
 Pong Fest
  • Currently 17 teams + 1 signed up.
  • 32 teams would be ideal – so there’s room for more to join!
  • 8 tables will be picked and set up – Bob organizing.
  • Water pitchers? Check with Augusta.  Maybe from Immanuel?
  • Additional promo email/communication to be sent today - Martin
  • Flyers for tables in the brewery – Martin
  • Retractable Rotary sign – who has it? Bill to ask Boom Island Brewery.
  • Cash for prize money – Rick to organize.
  • Club members wear Rotary swag.
  • Silent auction: Drop items with Kim at Fat Pants tonight, 5-6pm (not as many donations received this year).
  • Volunteers: Set-up at noon, assist with auction, be available for cleaning up spills, assist with tear down and cleanup.
Grant Giving
  • Eagle Scout Project - Maxwell – Round Lake Rain Garden.
o   Board approved $500
o   More information: Eagle Scout Project
  • DECA * Scholarship
o   Board approved $1000
  • Paja’s request: Iftar Celebration
o   Possibly attend and/or volunteer for the event.
o   Outside sponsors invited for this city-wide event as the city cannot sponsor a religious celebration.
o   $500 grant approved by the board.
My Book Day
  • Books – English books out and available to teachers; Spanish books on-order
  • Distribution  Rich W  “Scoresheet” to school
o   Distributed to the schools for “scoresheet”
  • MBD Pencils:
o   Discussed providing MBD pencils for all first-grade students
o   Board approved to move forward with pencils for students.
o   Bill and Amanda to develop design and order..
  • MBD 2025 - Date set - May 16 at the EP High School
  • Discussed:
    • Funding of John Jorgensen’s travel and accommodation
    • Board approved $500 for John Jorgenson travel to the event.
  • Possibility of high school students reading the story at the event in the future, especially if John Jorgenson is not present.
  • Purchase of plastic bags for distribution of books, no to plastic bags.
  • Inserting a page handout into each book with info about literacy and Rotary.
  • Unused books have been sold and club receives some credit
Service Projects   
  • Empty Bowls, Feb. 18
o   Rich Weaver to coordinate
o   Volunteer opportunities now available: Empty Bowls Volunteers
  • Jeremiah House meal?
  • FMSC?                   
  • PROP Shop – Dresser assembly
 Thank You Cards
  • Bill has a template for a thank you card.
  • Bill can send you the template upon request.
 CPR AED training
  • March 6 or 13    NOW SCHEDULED FOR MARCH 6- tentatively at Immanuel
    • 70-minute training
    • Registration in advance for headcount required - Online registration form
  • Possible schedule: 11:45am lunch, Noon training.
  • Pizza lunch on site of the training recommended.
  • Need to let Tavern 4 & 5 if we will be meeting off site.
  • John U has reserved the refrigerated trailer.
  • Andrew Disc Golf: working on finding sponsors for the disc golf tournament. We are building a pitch deck to send to some disc golf manufacturers in hopes for support.  Other details like how many years the club has held Ribfest, how many meals are sold and other metrics showing how big this event is.
  • Mike T has Rib Fest metrics to share.
Grant Giving – Decision Process Discussion
Discussion about the grant giving decision process:
  • Approve at board meetings?
  • Set dates for discussion twice/year?
  • Recognized that grant requests often come at short notice.
  • Decided to continue this discussion at the next meeting.
Discussed the impact of multiple smaller grants vs. fewer larger grants:
  • Discussed and debated if multiple smaller grants have a greater impact on the community than a few larger grants.
  • General feeling was that fewer larger grants have a greater impact (Clubs tend to get greater community awareness from larger grants).
  • Recognized that membership engagement is beneficial for both the club and for the community (rather than just dispersing funds).
  • Recognized the need for our club members to help discern our focus of our philanthropic giving (Are we focused on literacy, homelessness, or other community issues?).
  • Perhaps we need to revisit and refocus our club’s goals and objectives.
  • Decided to continue this discussion at the next meeting.
Addressing Literacy Rates in our Community
 Discussed recent Minnesota statistics that show literacy rates falling across the state.
 Brainstormed some ways to develop literacy in our community:
  • Recognized that the literacy of parents of preschoolers is a real need in the community (If parents are actively engaged in literacy efforts, i.e., reading to preschoolers, then literacy rates improve).
  • Create a monthly (or more frequent) community event for parents and preschoolers that supports literacy.
  • Providing books for newborns and preschoolers with educational components.
  • Develop a series of developmentally appropriate literacy activities from preschool through middle school.
  • Incorporate snacks/food to attract and invite people to literacy and education programs.
 Next steps to explore
  • Engage our club to clarify our club’s goals and objectives:
o   Do we want to develop a robust response to literacy rates in our community?
o   Do we want to focus on issues of homelessness in our community?
o   Are there other areas of community need for our focus?
o   Establish club-wide consensus of our focus, goals and objectives.
  • Connect with literacy professionals in the community to:
o   Clarify the need in Eden Prairie
§  What are the literacy rates in Eden Prairie?
§  What programs are currently available?
§  Where are the greatest needs in the community?).
o   Invite literacy experts from our community come and speak to the club.
o   Action Item: Bill to connect with leaders in the community that he has a relationship with as a result of My Book Day.
Other Possible Grants Giving Options Brainstormed:
  • Mentorship program at EP High School
  • ABC House Edina?
  • Scholarship to Hennepin Tech students for a year?
o   Tuition for one year: $6,200
o   Discussed the pros and cons of giving one $5000 scholarship vs. several $1000 scholarships.
o   Discussed grant giving to other community events/needs/issues that impact more people, rather than just 1 or 2 people.
o   Ongoing discussion to continue at the next meeting and within the club.
  • Tom is exploring the possibility of a trip to Lima this Spring to explore connections and projects with the local Rotary club.
 Speaker Schedule
  • April 17, 3:30pm: Dr. Andrew Baker, Hennepin County Medical Examiner,
o   Optional happy hour at Boom Island Brewery to follow the event.
o   Martin to create online registration for this event.
o   Recommending carpooling to this off-site event as parking is limited.
o   Someone to let Tavern 4 & 5 that we will not need lunch at Tavern on April 17.
Next Meeting: Thursday, February 27, 7:30am at Peoples Organic

Eden Prairie Noon Rotary Board Meeting Minutes

December 12, 2024
Attendees: Bill Hooke, Martin Rathjen, Rick Johnson, Anna Riebel, Mike Thomas, John Steinlicht, John Urbanski, Bob Danielson, Amanda Ottman, Joseph Wallace
Reviewed and accepted the 10/31 Board Meeting Minutes - approved
Old Business
Kindness Bags – we have a 50 left for distribution.  John S will bring a few to meetings for distribution.
Bank Change – Rick updated that this is just about completed. Need to test the Square reader. Will be done within the next month.
New Business
Sandya Gupta Program -  Paid $1000 Approved – Sent
-        Aim to be proactive in planning for next year’s budget with more communication. We may not continue to give.
Membership Growth Planning: Mike’s update:
o   Mike & Bob met with Paili (student intern) who will draft a brochure trifold before Christmas.
o   January 16 membership plan to be rolled out at the club meeting, with brochure, PP and maybe video.
o   Several people are currently interested in helping communicating to  prospective new members club membership.  Mike and Bob following up.
o   Steve Martin will join the membership team.
o   Mike advised the need for approximately $500 for campaign expenses: stamps, printing, etc.   The board approved these expenses.
o   Mike & Bob to determine the best way to reach out to interested individuals in the business community (print, email, phone, etc).
o   Goal to grow the club by 50 in the fiscal year.
Foundation(s) Explanation
-        Distinguish between our foundations and grant money for club membership.
-        $250,000 gifted in the last 10 years. Need to share and celebrate our philanthropy.
-        January 16 Meeting a document being developed to describe/distinguish the: 1) RI foundation, and 2) The EPNR Foundation, and 3) Grants will be created, presented and shared on our website).
Pong Fest Update
-        Be the Match with NMPD to be present at Pong Fest
-        Martin to follow up with Mark Beyer & NMPD to ensure physical needs are met.
-        Goal to start publicity early January.
-        Silent auction??  Martin to check with Mark if we are having a silent auction.  If so, start communicating now.
-        New Pong Fest logo on hold as the designer has recently received a contract to work with the Twins.
Furniture assembly service project at the PROP Shop
-        11 club members participated this past week.
-        This is a good project to have schedule regularly. John S to follow up.
-        John S -  FEPS – Received notification of $4000 grant for My Book Day from FEPS (funds not yet received by Rick/Treasurer, but coming).
-        Rick: $6,747.95 currently available for Grants distribution, based on history
Club Recurring Grant Commitments:
  • My Book Day $12,000.00
  • Onward $5,000
  • Scholarships $3,000
  • Polio Plus $2,580 (Complete)
  • Jeremiah House Meals $500
  • Warm Heads Warm Hands Warm Hearts $492 (Complete)
  • PROP Chicken Challenge $500
  • PROP Empty Bowls $500
  • Sandya Gupta Program $1,000 (Complete)
Holiday Party Options: Fat Pants currently have their back room available for several dates in January, however, Fat Pants wants at least $1200 for the event.
-        Invite friends and perspective members
-        Prefer a home-based and cheaper option for a gathering.
-        Possible Christmas gathering at Joseph’s home.  Stay tuned.
Rib Fest – Disc Golf Tournament $
-        Nick gave $ for supporting Andrew Disc business – Should Club do it
-        Club to reimburse Nick for this expense and include this as a club expense going forward.
-        Rib Fest date for 2025 – June 8
Other New Business
-        Last year we gave 2 scholarships.
-        Seek to improve communication with EPHS
-        Invite students to submit an application/essay submission about the 4 Way Test.
-        Bill H to communicate with Kim Ross about moving this forward.
-        Joseph to find connections at Hennepin Tech and Normandale for scholarships to EPHS graduates.
Shredding event to benefit PROP.  To be scheduled.
Notify PROP that we will be a sponsor of Empty Bowls.
-        John S to ask Rich Weaver to coordinate
Jeremiah House service project
-        John S to follow up with Larry to get our club on the service schedule to provide a meal.
-        Recognized the need to plan this out in advance.
January 16 – “State of the Club” meeting (Playing off the State of the Union).
   Pizza and discussion meeting:      
  • Mid-term check in. All committees present
  • Membership update 
  • Foundation information
  • Service Projects                    
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag discussion:
-        Do we continue to incorporate the pledge at the beginning of our meetings?
-        Continue our current tradition of saying the pledge and the board will discuss it at the next board meeting.
Pull Tabs possibility:
-        John U asking if this is something we want to explore.
-        Machine based or people based?  John believes this is a machine-based distribution.
-        Very profitable but logistics to be explored.
-        John and Mike to investigate further.
New Shirts
-        Bob D reports back some ideas
-        Draft designs presented.
-        Deciding the type of material and type of shirt
-        Deciding on funding: club subsidized?  Invite club feedback.
Request from RECHT - Rotary Club to End Human Trafficking:
Rotary International is encouraging new and innovative ways to bring in new members including multiple meeting times, special interest groups (wine groups, gardening groups, Book Clubs, travel groups, other).The Rotary Club to End Human Trafficking has created “branches” which are clubs in countries where we have a significant number of members.  The goal is to maintain at least 2 branches with at least 10 people each. Our first branch in Ghana already has 12 people in it represents the largest membership recruiting opportunity for our club. Unfortunately, these members cannot afford the costs of membership, so we are looking for others to support these amazing people who have overcome so much and are improving their lives in their own countries.  Karen Walkowski is contact.
  • Club supports this Club and its efforts. The specific “Ask” is unclear.
  • Bill H to clarify the ask and follow up with board vote via email. 
Eden Prairie Noon Rotary Board Meeting Minutes
October 31, 2024
Attendees: Bill Hooke, Martin Rathjen, Rick Johnson, Amanda Ottman, Mike Thomas, Bob Danielson, John Steinlicht, John Urbanski
 Old Business
 Warm Hands Warm Hearts:
  •  $492 used to purchase and donate 6 dozen hats and 8 dozen ski gloves.
  • Donated to Immanuel Lutheran which will donate to Loaves & Fishes for people experiencing homelessness.
  • Thanks to John for picking up and delivering the items.
Camp Enterprise:
  • Mark Anderson at EPHS was contacted.  Mark posted Info about Camp Enterprise, however, there was no interest from EPHS students.
  •  Perhaps Mark Anderson can do more ground work with the entrepreneurial class at the High School to invite participation?
  • Bill H to follow-up.
Kindness Bags:
  • 10/20 was at Fat Pants. We collected $220 from Fat Pants for Sunday’s drinking!
  • Johns S has the bags. He will make them available to club members next meeting.
  •  Leftovers (toothbrushes, etc.) to be given to PROP?  John S will take action.
Bank Change:
  • Board voted to switch our bank account from First Minnetonka to Old National as soon as possible.
  •  Rick, Mike and John U will go and make the change.
  • Martin to get a copy of the minutes to Rick ASAP (as minutes are required to authorize the change).         
Polio -  Boom Island Pint Night, Oct. 24, World Polio Day:
  • $270 + $20 received from Boom Island Polio Plus event ($1/beverage).
  • Club to match funds and give to PolioPlus.
  • Bill H will send a thank you note to Boom Island.
  • Voted to increase our annual giving to PolioPlus from $1500 to $2000.
Destination Imagination (Dolly Parton books for kids)
  • Mike T followed up with Destination Imagination with a few questions (Where does money go? Can we direct it to local kids?).   
  • Mike T submitted our questions but did not receive a response from DI.
  • We will stick with My Book Day.
 New Business
Pong Fest Feb. 2, 2025   
  • Marc Beyer chairs the event and plans are developing.
  • Martin is working with Trevor Burks, for a new Pong Fest logo that might attract younger people (looking for vibrancy and possibly incorporating the iconic red of the cups into the design). Amanda requested seeing the design to ensure that Rotary branding is used correctly.
  • Be the Match / NMDP invited to be present at Pong Fest to, 1) share information about who they are and what they do, 2) recruit potential donors. Bill H reached out to NMDP.
  • Bob is managing tables.
Veterans Day Lunch:
  • November 14 at Edina CC  (NO Meeting at Tavern – they’ve been notified)
  • Emphasize that the club is covering the expense for all club members.
  • Martin to send out reminder note.
Furniture Assembly at PROP Shop:
  • Tentatively set for Tuesday the 11th of December, 4pm
  • John S to finalize and submit details for promotion/publicity.
Coffee Sales:
  • Orders due Nov. 7
  • John U to send out email reminder.
Meetings /  Speakers Report:
  • Speakers are set through the end of December.
  • Several club members are on the schedule this fall.
  • Seeking a balance between club members and outside speakers.
  • Possible speaker: Kevin (from the EPCC), won an Emmy for video restoration.  John U to ask him.
  • Andrew Baker – Medical Examiner visit?
  •  John submitted tax filing details for Board approval.  Board approved John’s tax documents for submission.  Documents were signed and will be submitted.
  • Rick reported that we have approx. $25,000 available for gifting.
  • Voted to distribute the following funds as grants:
o   Chicken Challenge: $500
o   Empty Bowls: $500 (Possibly volunteer at the event?)
o   Jeremiah House: $500
  • High Schooler’s Scholarships:
o   2 x $1000 scholarships gifted last year
o   Applicants submit an application, writing how they perceive the 4 way test shapes their decisions.
o   Invite the recipient(s) to come to a meeting and introduce themselves.
o   Coordinate with Mark Anderson at the high school.
  • Voted to allocate $3,000 for high school scholarships (3 x $1,000 scholarships)
  • Onward Grant Proposal has been received:
o   Onward requesting $10,000 for 2025 (for house and capital projects as they did last year).
o   Board approved $5000 for Onward house now.
o   Board discussed giving to the Onward Capital Campaign for a second house at some time in the future.
Rib Fest:
  • Nick paid for Frisbee Golf Management. We need to clarify what the Monies were for.
  • Bill H to follow-up.                                                                                                                                                                  
Membership Committee Update:
  • Claudia declined membership
  • Bob to follow-up on Katie
  • Club Runner has a tool that allows us to add prospective members as “Other Users”, enabling prospective members to receive weekly club emails.
  • Membership committee (Bob and Mike) will invite prospective members to join our email list.  Martin will add their emails to the “Prospective Members” group in Club Runner enabling them to get on our email list
Paili Rice EPHS Student will join on 11/7                         
  • Paili does communications and Service Projects for the EPHS Key Club.
  • Mike and Bob will work with her to develop a membership recruitment campaign.
  • Possibly explore using Canva with Paili for communications for membership drive.
 Club Runner Access and Function:
  • Thanks to Mike for managing Club Runner Access levels.
  • Martin created an “Other User” in Club Runner to send emails that will come from, “Eden Prairie Noon Rotary”.  This account is a “30” level.
  • Mike Thomas to work with Tom to send/edit weekly club emails while Martin is out of the country (Nov. 16 – Dec. 5).
December 12 Meeting:
  • No meeting at Tavern
  • Bill F has arranged for us to meet at The Haven Asian Eatery off Shady Oak Road.
  • John U suggested that we incorporate our Rotary Club Foundation meeting into this gathering.
  • No technology required?
Holiday Party:
  • Possible happy hour at Tavern 4 & 5 with drinks and appetizers.
  • Significant others to be invited.
  • Date TBD
  • Bill H to work on.
Club Shirts:
  • Possible blue oxford or purple button down with Rotary logo?
  • Discussion about how many shirts to be ordered.
    • Rick cautioned not to order too many as we currently have 30+ remaining.
    • Suggested that new shirts be purchased as needed, rather than a bulk order.
  • Bob to follow-up
  • John U has been contacted by a mall Santa coming to EP from California.  Santa is looking for accommodation while he’s here.  We have no obvious housing suggestions for him.
Valley View Street Clean-up:
  • Gary to arrange date with Anna and John.
Thanks to John U for managing tax documents and foundation financials!
Next meeting: Thursday, December 12, 7:30am at Peoples Organic, Eden Prairie.

EP Noon Rotary Board Meeting Minutes, 9/6/24  

Attendees: Joseph, Mike, Rick, John U, Anna , Bill H.
Review and accept previous meeting notes.
Service Projects
  • Warm Hands Warm Hearts – we pledged monies for 6 dozen Hats and 8 pairs of Ski Gloves, $492. These will be distributed in October by Immanuel Church as part of their Loaves and Fishes Program.
  • Camp Enterprise – We have not sent an EP Student in 4 years. Hooke will reach out to Mark Anderson at EPHS to see if there is renewed interest. We will sponsor 2 EPHS students if they sign up (~$400 per).
  • Furniture assembly at PROP postponed. PROP has asked us to help at CUB Chanhassen on 9/14-15. EPNR members/guests can pick a 2-hour shift to bag groceries or work the POP UP Booth to promote the great work PROP does. See John Steinlicht announcement. Some openings Sunday. Link to signup.
  • Kindness bags – Packing Day October 20 at Fat Pants. Have a free will contribution box to allow non EPNR’s to contribute cash.  Outline a plan after 9/12 meeting- define items. How many items? Where we might obtain items.
Pong Fest, February 2, 2025
Yes, we will do Pong Fest again. Fat Pants Room Reserved 2/2. Marc Beyer agreed to Chair. Thanks. Changes to event- TBD: Raise entry fee? No Free Beer? 50/50 Pot fundraiser? Gift cards as silent auction items? Simplify event planning. Increase visibility, make it a minimal work and fun.
Destination Imagination
Chanhassen Club reached out for funding of Destination Imagination (Dolly Parton books for kids).  Questions asked where does money go? Can we direct it to local kids? Mike T following up.
Meetings and Speakers
  • Veterans Day Lunch November 14 at Edina CC anyone want to plan. Typically, PE helps out. Hooke will work with Amanda.
  • Speakers good thru October. Ask yourself, “Who else should we be asking to speak? Who do I know”. Please ask them. Ideas- Water Treatment plant. Fire house, Joseph's company +++
Membership Committee
  • Mike (& Bob) using tech to Internet to define EP companies, size and seeming appropriateness to join. They will contact them about potential membership.
  • Packet for new members should be revised, 2 pages, highlight EPNR local contributions as well as RI and all it does!!
  • We have had good follow up with newbies visiting- especially John U.
  • New member package- Bob D and Sam creates it. We will rejuvenate old package, copy & share.
Polio Plus –10/24
  • EPNR gives $1500 /yr
  • Make 10/24 Polio Plus Day in EP – Hooke sent note to EP Mayor Ron Case
Onward EP
  • Onward is considering $1.3M fundraising for 2nd home.
  • EPNR committed $10K/per year - 2 years.
Other Business
  • Considering changing banks as Minnetonka bought out. Maybe First National is a possible option? John U checking.
  • December 12 no meeting at Tavern. Bill Falk will help find alternate venue.
  • Hooke Happy Hour 9/25 5-6 pm.  More information coming.
  • Fat Pants Gathering Appreciation Day was good.
  • Bollig presentation was excellent! Thanks Amanda! And Thanks Marc.
  • Frequency of Board Meetings every 5 – 6 weeks.
  • Holiday gathering ?? Sounds good, we need ideas.




Attendees: Bill Falk, Todd Bollig,  John Urbanski, Joseph Wallace, Anna Reibel, Rick Johnson,  John Steinlicht, Bob Danielson, Amanda Ottman. Bill Hooke
Meeting called to order.
Notes from last board meeting 3/26/24 were approved.
Interns: Are there any Interns for Rotary for the year. The question was raised last meeting and as of now there are no applicants. The  consensus is to take a break for now. Perhaps ask EPHS again in the fall.
  • Have more fun:   Make meetings more exciting,  greet people who are new more enthusiastically. Get to know each other better, build on the community we have.
  • Better communications:  We need to keep people abreast to what is going on in the Club Share notes from each weeks’ meeting and have with highlights of upcoming meeting.
    • Post notes  on website and have Link sent each week to membership, to those notes.
  • Expand meeting places: once a ¼ meet at other locations, Bill Falk agreed to help on this. 
  • Getting to know each other better:  Have more vocationals and perhaps a progressive dinner to get to know each other better. Promote more interaction with more people at each meeting.
  • Review service goals, and projects: Several new opportunities were discussed already. One is make bags to hand out to homeless. Create bags with note inside and some basic hygiene items. Give to  homeless on street corners.
    • Agree to Charity event at Fat Pants October 20 (Viking  vs Lions that day) Chanhassen built 50 bags,  maybe we can do 100 or 150.
    •  Another option, give empty bags out at grocery store with list and ideas to fill bags and handout.
    •  Perhaps some engage Inter-act at the high school for items or ideas  
    •  Service committee working on logistics - Anna  & John
Getting new members: Remind them that  New members lunches are free for the first six months. When special speakers are here ,  get more  potential new members and guests- they can learn more about what Rotary does. Include potential new members as volunteers for service projects.
We need to do something different to make the club better, more fun and more engaged - Board members all agreed; let's do something to make the Club better. Discussion  Bollig
Rotary District Conference 8/24 at the State Fair.
Next Week: District Governor Sharon Bloodworth will be speaker- she is excited and exciting.